Outside Groups Team
Team Leader: Michael Cleveland
To join this team, contact Michael.
Mission Statement & Goals
The RTAG Outside Groups Team is a bridge between the larger community, local GA, and RTAG, providing information and feedback to all parties, acting as goodwill ambassadors, in the hopes of creating a fair and equitable balance between the needs of various groups who utilize the Reno-Tahoe International Airport. Its goals are to:
Increase the visible support from the Reno GA Community for the child beneficiaries of Operation Santa Claus.
Publicly highlight community service projects by members of RTAG, creating a favorable response of recognition by Reno area charities towards RTAG members.
Create new opportunities, or plug into existing ones, for Reno GA to serve the larger Reno community.
Operation Santa Claus
To watch a news clip of OSC 2022, click here.
To watch a news clip of OSC 2019, click the video below: