RTAG Photos
The photos from our many fly-outs are located on the Fly-Outs page of this website.
Poker Run
Pilots fly from airport to airport, collecting playing cards sealed in secure envelopes. At the last stop, along with lunch and camaraderie, they present the sealed envelopes for judging. Half of the entry fees go to the scholarship fund and the other half is divided between the winners.
Click the photo below to see a slideshow from the 2022 Poker Run.
Click here to see photos by Official Photographer Jack Woods.
Celebration of Aviation Banquet
This annual springtime event has a dinner, a guest speaker, recognition and awards, silent auction, and raffle. This is a major fundraiser for the scholarship fund.
Click the photo to see a slideshow. Click here to see photos from the 2023 banquet.
Adopt-a-Spot Clean-ups
Through Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB), RTAG cleans FOD (Foreign Object Debris) on the west side of Rock Blvd. between Mill St. and Longley Ln. Look for our Adopt-a-Spot sign on Rock! Click the photo to see a slideshow.
Chili Cook-Off
Chili Cook-Off Winners
Activities All Year Long!
RTAG has activities throughout the year, including chili cook-offs, BBQs, and pancake breakfasts. Click the photo to see a slideshow.