​The Reno-Tahoe Aviation Group incorporated as a 501(c)4 non-profit on March 12, 2010, to encourage General Aviation at KRNO.
We have worked hard to strengthen our relationship with the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority and the Fixed Base Operators on the field. Today, we are the premier aviation community in the Reno/Sparks area, with over 100 active members. Over 400 aviation enthusiasts in the region receive our emails. We organize fly-outs, chili cook-offs, the annual Celebration of Aviation Banquet, and much more.
Click here to read an AOPA article about the establishment of RTAG, entitled:
Pilots fight for their right to fly
September 1, 2011 By Mike Collins
At AOPA's Annual Convention in Hartford, Connecticut, September, 2011, then AOPA President Craig Fuller presented the Laurence P. Sharples Perpetual Award to Dr. Bob Larkin, in recognition of the community's efforts and success. Dr. Bob wrote, "There is, of course, a host of folks that all made this possible. I would like to see everyone that was involved eventually have recognition for all of the work that went into the success of this effort. I was just the tip of spear, the rod was the real work."
Our continuing goals are:
To foster excellent relations with the communities surrounding Reno-Tahoe airports.
To support continued General Aviation operations at all Reno-Tahoe airports.
To inform and educate members and the community on issues affecting airport operations and safety.
Our accomplishments over the past few years include:
The establishment of an airline-style AQP Program for GA.
The awarding of annual flight training scholarships.
A new approach instituted by RTAA, resulting in GA having a seat at the table regarding the future of KRNO.
GA moved to the forefront of RTAA priorities in the 5-year plan.
Breaking ground on a new GA Facility on the northeast corner of the field.
West Side "T" Hangars to be kept in service.
SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis conducted jointly with RTAG and RTAA.
Badly Needed GA taxiways and ramp repairs completed.
BBQ & Flyby helped RNO tower controllers understand the airport from GA's perspective.
Operation Santa Claus helps needy local families have a nice Christmas.
Our future challenges and goals include:
Programs and events to highlight the importance of GA to people served by KRNO and surrounding airports.
Working with RTAA to maintain and improve GA facilities and services.
Events and presentations that will be of interest to all involved in GA.
We need your help to make all this happen and to keep General Aviation strong, viable, and growing in Northern Nevada. Your membership and participation in RTAG is vitally important to building on the positive momentum that we have established. This is an exciting time for General Aviation in Northern Nevada, and we hope you'll be a part of the Reno-Tahoe Aviation Group.
RTAG's Officers and Directors thank you for your support.